Name Recognition Photo Series

Concept, Art Direction, Commercial Photography, Graphic Design and Advertising Creative for Sevierville, Tennessee's 2013 Name Recognition Photo Campaign
2013-2014 Sevierville, TN Vacation Planner, 2013-2014 Sevierville, TN Group Tour Planner,, National Association of Photoshop Professionals Editors Choice Article, Sevierville, TN Sports Destination Planner, TN State Tourism Web Site
2013 American Advertising Awards (Publication Design)- Silver ADDY
2013 American Advertising Awards (Photography Campaign)- Gold ADDY
National Association of Photoshop Professionals- Editor's Choice Image (Larry Becker)
International Festival & Events Association- 2013 Silver Award for Best Printed Materials
"Chad Branton brings us a commercial image designed to promote cheer leading competitions and a convention center called Cheer for Sevierville. On its own, this is a nice image, but then read his caption about his challenges getting everyone in a group this large to pose, look at the camera, and smile and then light the models and letters as well as minimize the bright backlight. Both quality photographic skill and compositing come into the mix. A solid accomplishment and good use of Photoshop!" -Pete Collins, National Association of Photoshop Professionals
Chad Branton- Concept, Art Direction, Photography, Graphic Design
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